
Annual home safety checklist

Help maintain the safety of your home by considering these annual home safety tips that cover everything from the attic down to the basement.

随着我们忙碌的生活和时间似乎过得很快, 为家庭安全腾出时间是很重要的. Consider picking a day annually, 或者选择两天,把你的清单分成两半, 检查你房子周围的这些东西,并和你的家人一起回顾.

Replace all the batteries in your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide (CO) detectors

建议全部更换电池 smoke detectors and carbon monoxide (CO) detectors at least once a year (or sooner if it “chirps” to let you know the battery is low). It’s also recommended that older 烟雾探测器每10年更换一次, and 一氧化碳探测器每5年更换一次.

在卧室内外安装烟雾报警器和一氧化碳报警器, 每层楼至少有一个, including the basement. If possible, use interconnected smoke and CO alarms that sound all of the connected alarms when one goes off. Test the alarms every month so your family becomes familiar with the sound. 同时,讨论一下如果警报响起该怎么做. (立即离开房屋并呼叫消防部门.)

Note: CO detectors are especially important if your home uses natural gas for cooking, heating, or has an attached garage. Called the silent killer, CO is a colorless, odorless gas, and even small doses can be poisonous.


Check all your fire extinguishers 是否处于工作状态且容易接近. 必要时不要忘记更换旧的.

The average 厨房充满了火灾隐患和易燃危险. You may be able to stop a small fire from becoming a house-engulfing blaze by placing portable fire extinguishers in the kitchen (where most fires start) and garage (where flammable chemicals are often stored). Consider adding another on each floor of the home, stored in plain sight and next to exit doors. Inspect extinguishers each month to make sure the pressure gauge is in the green zone, 销和防篡改密封完好无损,无凹痕, leaks or rusty spots. If defective, replace it. 灭火器的有效性取决于使用它的人. 今天提醒你的家人PASS技巧:

  • 拉动销以释放锁定机构.
  • 把目标放低,把灭火器对准火的底部.
  • Squeeze the lever slowly and evenly.
  • Sweep the nozzle side to side.

灭火器只能用于小型、密闭的火灾. 如果火势正在蔓延,请离开房子.


Take a few minutes to go over your emergency evacuation plan 和你的家人在一起,这样每个人都知道发生意外时该怎么做.

Consider a fire escape ladder

发生火灾时,可能不是每个门都有一条畅通的通道. 你需要第二条路离开任何房间, 那可能是二楼卧室或其他空间的窗户. 在楼上每个房间的窗户附近放置一个消防梯, 和家人一起练习在哪里可以找到以及如何使用它们.

Check your stairwells

下楼梯之前,停下来环顾四周. The stairwell is a critical part of your family's emergency escape route. Prevent dangerous falls by repairing or tightening loose steps and handrails. If the stairs are uncarpeted, you might consider adding slip-resistant treads, tapes or paint. If you rely only on hardwired overhead lighting to light your stairwell, 停电期间该地区将一片漆黑. 考虑安装电池驱动的、动作激活的步灯. 如果已有电池,请检查是否需要更换.

Update your emergency kits

Check that your emergency kits 库存充足,没有过期的吗.

Look for potential poison risks

As you walk around your home, keep an eye out for potential poisoning risks. The kitchengarage and bathrooms often house medications,清洁剂和其他有毒产品可能会伤害儿童和儿童 pets. 把这些物品存放在有锁或安全门闩的橱柜里,让他们拿不到.

Have your chimneys inspected

Hire a certified chimney sweep to inspect and clean out all the chimneys connected to your fireplaces and any woodburning stoves. 壁炉和加热元件是一个 美国家庭火灾的主要原因.S. Reduce the threat of fire-causing sparks by making sure your fire screen is functional and by moving all flammable materials (carpets, furniture, drapes, etc.) at least 36 inches away from the firebox.


Hire a certified technician to perform an annual maintenance check on your furnace and air conditioner (AC).

我们很容易忘记我们是多么依赖勤劳的火炉. Besides the yearly inspection by a professional, you should check the filter. If it's dirty, replace it. (每一到三个月更换一次过滤器.)堵塞的过滤器会减慢空气流动,并会使你的皮肤肿起来 energy bill. And excessive dirt buildup can bring down the system and may cost a good amount of money to repair.

当外面很热的时候,没有人愿意不开空调. After turning off power to the unit, replace the filter to help reduce energy drain. (尽量在降温季节每个月都这样做.) With a garden hose, clean the condenser coils to help prevent overheating. Then clear a two-foot area around the unit to avoid dust and debris buildup that can bog down the machine. Pass a stiff wire through the unit's drain channels to get rid of any clogs, which can increase indoor humidity. Now you can turn the power back on. 冬天关掉空调时别忘了盖上盖子.


Hire a certified plumber to check out your water heater and other plumbing annually to help avoid potential problems. You could also wrap your water heater in a blanket, which costs about $20. (有些公用事业公司免费或减价提供这些服务.) According to Energy Saver在美国,一个保温热水器可以减少4%到9%的水加热成本.

  • Energy Saver provides the following installation instructions: Turn the water heater off or turn the gas knob on a gas water heater to "pilot". Cut the blanket down to size using a utility knife or scissors (it should not cover the top). 为控制面板、管道、阀门和燃烧器留出一个区域. Tape in place, and turn the water heater on (no higher than 130 degrees Fahrenheit).

Check your water supply

Many Americans use public water, but if you're a private well owner, 你要对你喝的水的质量负责. Inspect your well for cracks, corrosion, broken or missing parts and proper runoff. Also call a state-certified lab for a test to check the water for nitrate and coliform bacteria.

Test for radon

因为氡的含量会随时间变化, you may want to have your home tested for radon once a year or every few years to help identify and address any issues that could potentially be putting your family’s health at risk.

Check your sump pump

每年一次,最好是在你所在地区的雨季来临之前, check your sump pump. The pit should be free of debris and the pipe should be clear so water flows freely. If something doesn't work, check the power source, then call a professional.

Check for structural damage

花点时间检查一下家里的各个地方, both inside and outside, 从阁楼附近最安全的地方 roof, down to the basement. Check all walls, ceilings, floors and stairs, 寻找结构损坏的迹象,比如裂缝, drips and leaks.

查看这些其他伟大的文章了解更多 tips on maintaining your home.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with State Farm® (including State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. State Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.

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