Entering credit card information on a laptop with holiday packages beside it.


骗子们一年到头都很忙,尤其是在节假日. 学会保护自己的方法.

The holidays are a time for giving, but for fraudsters, they're also a time for taking. These tips can help you protect yourself and your valuable information from malware and scams that could otherwise fail to raise suspicion due to the hectic holiday season.

由于许多这类骗局都是在网上进行的,所以最好的策略是 不要提供个人信息 比如你的社会安全号码或银行账户信息, 谨防需要立即行动的交易 不要同意通过电汇来要求任何形式的交易.


随着节日期间网上购物变得越来越普遍,帮助 防止您的身份被盗用 当你 网上购物 从你最喜欢的网站.

  • 总是在URL中查找“http”. The "s" means the site is typically more safe and secure for sharing important personal information.
  • 避免假冒的网上购物网站. 如果你以前没有听说过这个网站,请小心. 如果这笔交易听起来好得令人难以置信,那么它很可能是真的. 在你信任的网站上寻找产品更安全.
  • 不要使用公共Wi-Fi连接购物. 使用你的手机和它的蜂窝功能.
  • 避免在网上购物时使用借记卡. 信用卡收费是有争议的, but debit accounts may not be reimbursed if the card number falls into the wrong hands.


假期是 电子邮件骗子的黄金时间. 小心你收到的电子邮件,并且:

  • 不要打开任何来自匿名收件人的电子邮件, 比如节日电子贺卡——它们很可能包含恶意软件. But you should also be cautious when opening holiday greetings from friends and family — their email addresses could have been hacked.
  • Watch for sale emails, those unbelievable prices could very well be too good to be true. The email links could direct you to a phishing site that steals your payment information. 搜索 for and then visit the online retailer to verify that the store and the advertised prices are legitimate.
  • 不要给圣诞老人太多信息. If you are sending a letter from Santa to your child, make sure the website is a trusted source. You might be giving valuable, personal information to a phisher who will use it against you.
  • 小心那些声称包裹递送失败的邮件 或者要求收货人确认订单或货物. 另外,确保你的 包裹不会被偷 在交付之后.
  • 注意虚假的客户调查. 尤其是那些为参加调查提供现金或礼品卡的公司. Look at the URL and make sure it's from the company who is supposedly sending the survey. And if the survey asks for personal or financial information, cancel the survey right away.


由于假期, the final months of the year fill mailboxes with a deluge of donation appeals from charities. 在写支票或网上捐款之前:

  • 确保你支持的是合法的事业. 研究 the soliciting organization on a reputable directory, such as “慈善导航 或者是 商业促进局. 状态 Farm® makes it easy to discover a cause that you can support through its Neighborhood of Good website.
  • 对向海外汇款保持警惕. Typically, organizations requesting you to send money oversees are not legit.
  • 小心那些声称自己是受害者并需要钱的人. 这些人很可能是骗局的一部分.
  • 寻找慈善机构的授权网站. 根据慈善导航员, 在卡特里娜飓风登陆之前, criminals were setting up websites that included the keyword Katrina (such as www.katrinahelp.Com和WWW.katrinarelief.Com),目的是收集金钱和个人信息."


Once you identify mail fraud, it can be reported locally at your local post office. 要向联邦政府投诉,请致电1-800-275-8777或提交一份 网上处理邮件诈骗. If the mail fraud involved you writing checks or providing access to your credit card, contact your bank or credit card company to see if the payments can be stopped or reversed.


信用卡诈骗变得越来越普遍. 它每天都在以各种方式发生. Here are some tips to help prevent yours from being stolen this holiday.

  • 检查激活码. 在购买礼品卡之前, check the back to make sure the activation code area hasn't been compromised.
  • 管好你的钱包. Keep a close eye on your money and watch for mall pickpockets, credit card 撇油器 还有不诚实的收银员. Also, consider carrying only the credit cards you need, leaving them at home when not needed.
  • 定期检查你的银行和信用卡对账单. 发现任何可疑活动并立即报告.
  • 在交易过程中留意一下你的卡. Watch the cashier or waiter process your card and put it away immediately when they are finished with it.


While traveling in unknown areas, 在这里 are some tips to be help protect your credit card.

  • 许多网络诈骗者在Wi-Fi热点地区瞄准度假旅客, 电子邮件承诺免费旅行和更多. Learn to recognize and protect yourself from these types of travel scams.
  • 免费Wi-Fi可能不是免费的. 大多数 公共无线网络 is unencrypted, this means your information may be seen while you are connected to the Wi-Fi network.
  • 小心赢得你从未参加过的赠品之旅. It could well be an attempt to get your credit card number under the guise of securing a room, or to cover other fees or a way to make you buy other pricey parts of the travel package.
  • 自动取款机上不合适的键盘. This may be a sign of a skimming device placed on top of the real keypad which steals your 信用卡和密码.

为了增加保护级别,请考虑 身份恢复保护从州立农场. If your identity is stolen, it can help make the recovery process easier, faster and less expensive.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer 或者是 advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.








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信用卡,借记卡 & 防止银行卡诈骗的ATM安全提示

Learn about credit card fraud and how to help protect yourself with common security precautions.


Identity theft is the act of stealing someone's personal information and identity fraud is the use of an individual's identifying information to commit crimes.


云计算具有独特的网络安全风险. 阅读更多关于云的内容, 云计算提供商, 安全的云和强密码.


保护智能手机的简单技巧, 比如锁定它,设置双因素身份验证, 可以帮助防止身份盗窃吗.