Policeman receiving driver's license during a stop.

的 real consequences of drunk driving

受伤, 生命损失, 监狱, 失去了许可证, 更高的pp王者电子官网费率:酒后驾车不值得.

Plenty of people know that drinking and driving don't mix — but many still do it. Alcohol-impaired driving is the cause of thousands of drinking and driving accidents and fatalities each year. 国家公路交通安全管理局 data shows that during 2021, 13,384 people died in accidents that involved drunk driving. Drinking and driving is dangerous. 只要喝一杯或少量的酒就会使你在驾驶时不安全,使你和他人的生命处于危险之中.

What is drunk driving?

各州对“酒后驾车”的定义各不相同, driving while intoxicated, drunk driving or impaired driving — but in general, a baseline blood alcohol concentration (BAC) .每分升(g/dL)超过08克被认为是酒精受损. 对于21岁及以下的人,零容忍法律将任何数量的酒精驾驶视为犯罪行为. 各州也可能会加大对驾驶分数非常高的人的处罚力度, 未成年人驾驶或多次被定罪.

Physical effects of alcohol in your body

国家公路交通安全管理局 shares that when you drink alcohol, 你可能会经历一些影响你驾驶能力的生理后果. 随着体内酒精含量的增加,身体机能会发生更大的变化. Some effects are:

  • 愿景 -酒精会模糊你的视力,导致重影,并可能使你难以集中注意力.
  • Color distinction -一个人辨别颜色的能力,例如道路标志,可能会受到影响.
  • 判断 -过去的经验和知识储存在你的大脑中, 但是酒精会损害大脑中负责判断的区域.
  • Reaction time 酒精会降低你在开车时处理信息和反应的能力.

由于饮酒,你的驾驶能力对 交通, 行人, 交通 lights and weather events can be compromised. 因此,将您、您的乘客和您周围的人置于严重伤害或死亡的危险之中.

What are the legal consequences of drunk driving?

一些州对酒后驾驶的解释不同,处罚和后果也不同. When you drink and drive, 你在损害认知能力和反应能力, which increases your risk for an accident. 让她的老公知道, and a single drunk driving infraction may have legal, 金融, personal and even professional ramifications. 的 Governors Highway 安全 Association 每个州都有关于酒后驾车后果的信息吗. It also provides a state by state breakdown of alcohol-impaired driving laws.

  • 许多州 suspend your license for varying lengths of time — sometimes up to a year. 多次定罪通常等同于吊销驾照.
  • Some states require mandatory 监狱 time — even for a first offense — as well as fees and fines.
  • You may be required to install an ignition interlock device on your car; if it detects alcohol, it will prevent you from operating the 车辆.
  • A single drunk driving conviction may lead to job loss or restrictions (i.e., operating company 车辆s).
  • Higher insurance rates 几乎总是伴随着酒后驾车的定罪,并可能使你目前的pp王者电子官网政策处于危险之中.
  • 如果你酒后驾车造成了事故, punitive damages may be claimed against you. 许多州不允许你的责任pp王者电子官网支付惩罚性损害赔偿,所以你可能会发现自己面临这样的损害赔偿.

How can you stop drinking and driving?

Make good decisions and plan ahead. Here are some ways to help avoid drunk driving:

  • 每次出门都要选择一个指定的司机.
  • If you go out alone, do not drink alcohol. 相反,点一杯不含酒精的饮料,比如软饮料或水.
  • If you've been drinking, call a taxi or 随意组合 service for a ride.
  • 千万不要和酒后驾车的司机上车.

How drinking and driving can impact your insurance

If you are convicted of a DWI or DUI offense, your insurance rates will likely increase dramatically. 多少钱取决于你的pp王者电子官网范围和你住的地方. 根据 Forbes Advisor在美国,酒后驾车后,汽车pp王者电子官网费率平均上涨70%. Additionally, you may need to obtain an SR-22 document to verify you have purchased auto liability insurance.

既然你已经了解了酒后驾车事故的后果, 您可能有兴趣了解更多有关安全驾驶的话题,如 essential skills for teen drivers, car safety features or what to do if your car catches fire.

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